Download NAIP Imagery

NAIP imagery is available to download as an alternative imagery source. The following steps outline how to download and set up this imagery data.


Go to to open the download page.

Imagery is organized by year. Select the desired year, and then choose the state.

Note: Not all years contain imagery for all states.

After selecting the state abbreviation, use the state’s county codes (FIPS Code) to identify the desired county or counties to be downloaded. County FIPS codes can be found here. The county code can be found inside the file name next to the state abbreviation. For example, in the image below, the county code is 173 for Shelby county.

Once downloaded, it is recommended to store the imagery in an NAIP folder on the root level of the server where the Agvance Database folder (typically named AVDATA) resides.

Imagery must be unzipped in the NAIP folder for Agvance Mapping to read the files.

In Mapping, go to SSI / Mapping Preferences. Verify Use BING is unchecked. In the Background Image Folder area, use the Browse button to select the location of the NAIP folder, and select Save.

Close and reopen Mapping to apply the changes.