Calculate Available for Sale

Calc Available for Sale is accessible in the following areas:

  • Inventory Book Report
  • Undelivered Booked Product Report
  • Calc Available For Sale on Product Right-Click
  • Inventory tab in Dashboard
  • Calc Avail For Sale at Accounting / Utilities / Product Availability
  • Mobile Sales / Inventory View

Wherever Available for Sale inventory numbers are calculated, certain headings display. Below is an explanation of each heading on the Inventory Book report.

  • On Hand – This is the actual amount of Product in the warehouse according to Agvance.
  • On Order – The sum of unprocessed Purchase Orders displays here (the portion of Purchase Orders that have not been used on Purchase Receipts and/or Purchase Invoices). 
  • Booked – This is the original Booking amount for all open Bookings.
  • Unused Booked – This is the sum of Bookings that have not been invoiced which is calculated by subtracting the amount of Bookings invoiced from the Booked amount.
  • Delivered Booked – The amount of Product on Delivery and Blend Tickets not yet invoiced displays here.
  • Undelivered – The amount of booked Product remaining that has not been invoiced or delivered displays here. It is calculated by subtracting the Delivered Booked amount from the Unused Booked amount. If a Customer is over-delivered, such as Unused Booked is 100 and Delivered is 150, the Undelivered quantity is 0 because Agvance totals the Product.
  • Available – This is the quantity available to sell. It is calculated by summing the On Hand and On Order amounts and subtracting the Undelivered amount.


  • A Customer has 100 bags of seed on hand, 40 of which have been booked. A loaded Delivery Ticket is entered for 10 bags because the Customer has picked them up. These 10 bags were spoken for (booked). The On Hand inventory is now 90 bags of seed. The Delivery Ticket has not yet been invoiced.
  • In this example, the report displays an On Hand amount of 90 and an On Order amount of 0 because there are no open Purchase Orders. The Unused Booked is 40, and the Delivered Booked is 10. This means the Undelivered amount is 30. The Available amount to sell is 60.

The Available amount may become skewed if not all Delivered Product was originally booked. This could happen if:

  • Continuing from the example above, another loaded Delivery Ticket is entered for 10 bags of seed but is not previously spoken for and is not invoiced. The Total is then calculated as follows:
    • On Hand is now 80 bags, and the On Order amount is 0. The Unused Booked is still 40 because there are no Invoices against the Bookings. The Delivered Booked is now 20 because of the two uninvoiced Delivery Tickets. This means the Undelivered Booked is now 20. The Available remains at 60 bags when actually the available to sell is 50 based on the Bookings. After the Delivery Ticket for the unbooked Product is invoiced, the Available will be accurate.

Calculating Direct Shipment Purchases & Deliveries into Calculate Available For Sale

Direct Shipment Purchase Orders and Delivery Tickets are included in the Calc Available for Sale figures only if the Customer on the Direct Shipment Purchase Order & Delivery Tickets has also booked the same Product. If there is a Customer who books the Dap Product and also receives Dap on a Direct Shipment, all Direct Shipment Orders for this Customer must be booked in order for the Calc Available for Sale to be accurate. For this reason, there cannot be a mix of booked and unbooked Direct Shipments. It is recommended all Direct Shipment Orders also have a Booking for the Customer.

Important Inventory Book Report Option

If Include All Delivery & Blend Tickets is selected, the Delivered Booked column and Undelivered column will include all Delivery and Blend Tickets, regardless of whether or not they are currently on an open Booking.  However, this report is based on the assumption that all Delivery and Blend Tickets are for booked Products. If they are not, it is important for those tickets to be invoiced as soon as possible.

Note: This option is extremely important to select if split Bookings are entered, but Product is delivered or blended solely to the Grower or only one of the Customers on the split Booking. If Delivery Tickets are handled in this manner and the option is not selected, the calculations will be inaccurate.

For example, there are 200 bags of seed on hand. There is a 50/50 split Booking with two Customers for 100 bags of seed. However, only 100 bags of seed are delivered to the Grower in the split. In this case, it appears to Agvance the Grower was over-delivered, and the other Customer had nothing delivered. It treats the Grower as over-delivered and sets the other half of the split as undelivered. This is incorrect because the Grower will be invoiced as a split for this seed. In this case, the Include All Delivery & Blend Tickets option must be selected to make the Available for Sale calculation correct.

On Hand


On Order





Without Option Selected








With Option Selected





