AgriMine Export

This utility is located at Accounting / Transfers / Export / EDI Sales / AgriMine.

AgriMine sets up a user account on their website for access to exported information from Agvance.

Export Setup

  • One Time Configuration Setting – AgriMine provides a site identification number to be entered in two different Agvance locations. Enter the ID at Accounting / Setup / Locations on the Profile tab in the IC Code area and Hub / Setup / Company in the Retailer IC Code input. Call SSI Supoort to obtain the password required for access to this location.
  • One time Startup Data export – Participants in the AgriMine Project must send their AgriMine representative the startup data. A function is available to automatically create this file.

Activating the Module

The AgriMine® data export requires an activation. Upon entering the export area, the following screen will appear:

Select Print and fax the printout to SSI at 877-402-2204. A support representative will call to provide the one-time activation key (case-sensitive) to allow use of the module.

Export Sales Data

To export transaction data to AgriMine, go to Accounting / Transfers / Export / EDI Sales / AgriMine and select the Export Sales Data tab.

  • Location – Choose All if no Location selection is needed. If reporting multiple Locations individually, create a separate report set for each Location.
  • Path for export file – Create a file on the network or hard drive of whoever is performing the export. Enter the path to that folder here.
    Note: The path name must end with a backslash (\). Agvance will name the file automatically.
  • Mark invoices as transferred – Place a checkmark in this box for the Invoices included in this export file to be marked as transferred. This prevents Invoices from being sent more than once. If sending a test file, or text export, leave this unchecked to create a file and send it to an AgriMine representative or upload it manually to the AgriMine website. When creating the report set (Save Set), check this box.
  • Product Classifications – Select Product Classifications to optionally choose one or more Product Classifications that contain the Products for which sales should be exported.
  • 100% to Grower – Mark this checkbox to cause the entire sale quantity and dollars on split Invoices to be attributed to the grower on the billing split (invoicing by field or manually choosing the split on the Invoice). If no one is marked as a grower, the sale is reported under the first Customer on the split who has been assigned a split percentage.
  • Department Categories – Optionally choose the Department Categories of the Products whose sales to report. These must be set up on the Profile tab at Accounting / Setup / Inventory Departments before they can be chosen at the Export screen. To choose a category, select Add Row and use the drop-down to select a Product Category to report. Not selecting Department Categories will export Invoices for all Products.

Export StartUp Data

To export the startup data, go to Accounting / Transfers / Export / EDI Sales / AgriMine and select the Export Startup Data tab. Enter a valid path in both the Product File export path field, and also in the Customer File export path. Reportable Products and Customers may optionally be selected individually or by Product Classification. Select Export. The startup data is written to the specified directory.

  • Path for export file – For both the Product File and Customer File, identify a path matching the path set up on the Export Sales Data tab.
  • Select Products – This defaults to All or choose Select to optionally indicate Products for the AgriMine® system to have on file for the company. This file should include all Products for which sales will be reported.
  • Prod Class – Select Prod. Class. to optionally select one or more Product Classifications containing the Products to be exported.
  • Select Customers – This defaults to All or choose Select to optionally choose specific Customers.
  • Customer Classifications – Select the Cust. Class. button to optionally select one or more Customer Classifications containing the Customers for which sales should be exported.
  • Export – Choose to export all or to export selected Products and Customers. It will create a file for each path (one for each data type) and automatically send the files to AgriMine® if the FTP to Server information is completed on the Setup tab.

Selecting Save Set when creating the report will save the Product and Customer Classifications for future use.


FTP to Server is the preferred way of transmitting the file to AgriMine. To transmit using this method, select the FTP to Server option on the Setup tab and complete the remaining data inputs with the information provided by AgriMine. The Last Batch ID tracks the last batch number. This number should not be edited without guidance from SSI Support.

  • FTP To Server checkbox – Check this box to automatically send the files created by the export function to the AgriMine® FTP site. The Server, User ID, User Password, and Folder will be provided by an AgriMine® representative and set up by SSI Customer Support.
  • Last Batch ID – This is populated automatically with the last batch ID that is sent to AgriMine®. In some circumstances, the batch ID can be duplicated, which will cause issues in the AgriMine® system. This is not a common occurrence but can be corrected by manually entering a different batch ID in this field. Call SSI Support for help if this situation arises.
  • Use extended format for Sales Data – With this option selected, only one file is created. No Ship To information is exported - only required and optional fields.

When the tabs are set up as desired, select Save Set at the bottom of the screen (on any tab). The following screen appears.

Enter a meaningful Description of the report set (such as the location name or type of product) and, if necessary, assign a user who can run the report. If the report is available for all users, leave this selection set to Unassigned. Choose OK to save the report set.

Creating and Sending an AgriMine® Export File

There are two ways to create and send an export file. If it is to be sent manually, use the following instructions:

  1. Enter the Export area by going to Accounting / Transfers / Export / EDI Sales / AgriMine. Choose Load Set at the bottom of the Export screen (from any tab).
  2. Choose the appropriate report set from the list (there may only be one saved set) and choose Select. All three tabs on the Export screen populate with the selections made when creating the report set.
  3. Go to the Export Startup Data tab and select Export. Once complete, a message appears stating that the CUST and PROD files have been created.
  4. Go to the Export Sales Data tab and choose Export. Once complete, a message appears stating that the POS (Point of Sale) file has been created.
  5. If the FTP to Server box was checked and the screen was filled out correctly when setting up the report set, it is not necessary to manually upload the files to the AgriMine FTP site.

If certain conditions are met, the Export function can be scheduled to happen at any time using the Agvance Report Agent. For the Agvance Report Agent to work, Agvance must be running on a full version of SQL Server.

Another requirement for using the Agvance Report Agent to schedule the export is that the computer running the Report Agent must be logged out of Agvance and logged into the Report Agent. Whoever is responsible for running the export must remember to do this on the days the export is scheduled to run. Alternatively, an Accounting license can be purchased for a stand-alone machine to run the export (and any other reports scheduled to run). The Agent would always run on that machine while Agvance is never run on that machine. The advantage to this setup is that no one must remember the nights on which the export will run. Since the Report Agent comes with the Agvance program at no cost, this may be a viable option.

Note: Users on Terminal Server connections to Agvance may require attention to issues like the time the server is rebooted or how long the system waits to disconnect inactive users.

Please contact SSI Customer Support for more information on setting up and running the Report Agent.

Recreating an Export File

Occasionally, errors occur during the creation or transmission of an export file, and there is a need to recreate that export file. Use the following instructions to recreate and/or resend an export file.

On the Export Sales Data tab of the Export screen, select UnMark. On the Un Mark Transferred Invoices screen indicate filtering ranges by selecting the Inv Date or Inv Num options and Starting and Ending values. Select Load Grid.

Manually unmark Invoices by removing checkmarks from the Transferred column of the appropriate Invoices. Keep in mind that one Invoice might have several lines on this screen because each line represents an Invoice line item, not the entire Invoice. To choose a range of Invoices to unmark, select Inv Date or Inv Num and then enter the Starting and Ending values of the range to use and choose UnMark. When finished, select Done. A new export file can now be created and will include the Invoices that were unmarked.