Include Logo on Transactional Documents and Reports

A company logo may be added to the following types of documents:

  • AP - ACH Payment Advice
  • AR Invoice
  • AR Statement
  • Booking Contract
  • Booking Document
  • Budget Billing Statement
  • Deferred Payment Contract
  • Purchase Contract
  • Purchase Settlement
  • Sales Contract

Navigate to the Logo tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences. Choose Select and browse to the location of the logo file to select it. 

Note: Crystal Reports can only handle JPG files in RGB mode. To learn more about CMYK and RGB files, click on this link
If the image is in CMYK mode, it can be converted to RGB using the following website

Select Open. The logo selected displays on the Logo tab. Choose Save.

If using the Bill To/Ship To format for an AR Invoice, navigate to the Alt Logo tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences.

If logos are to be used at multiple locations, save the appropriate logo file for each location. The location’s logo will be included on both electronic and printed versions of the designated documents.

Logo Tab Setup Notes:

  • The logo file must be a jpeg format.
  • The size of the image that prints on the document is 108 pixels H x 288 pixels W (1.5 in. H x 4 in. W) for an image in a 72DPI format. Images in a 96DPI format, images 144 pixels H x 384 pixels W will display best. Although it is not required to upload that specific image size, the image used should be that size or proportional to that size for best results.
    Note: Keeping images to a size around 75-100 KB will provide the best quality and performance when saving large groups of statements to PDF.
  • The logo only works for the Standard Invoice Format found on the Invoice Printout tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences.
  • When a logo is selected, the Print Company Heading and Center options are not available on the Invoice Printout tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences.
  • When a logo is selected, the Print Location Heading on Statements and Center options are not available on the A/R tab at Accounting / Setup / Preferences.
  • The logo for the Invoice’s location prints on the Invoice document.
  • The logo for the default location selected in Agvance Accounting Reports when printing the Standard, Alternate1, and Alternate2 versions Combo Statements prints regardless of the location set on the customer.
  • The Alternate3 version of the Combo Statement offers the option to Print logo of customer's location. This checkbox is available on the Print Combo Statement window under the Setup button.

Alt Logo Tab Setup Notes:

  • The logo file must be a jpeg format.
  • The size of the image that prints on the document is 2.5 cm H x 11.5 cm W.

Additional information regarding Location Preferences in Accounting can be found here.