Updated Articles

  1. Grower360 Grain Overview

    The following can be viewed from the Grain  menu: Scale Tickets – Delivered grain can be viewed by Scale Tickets, Commodity, or Assembly Sheets. Reports can be generated. Grain Offers – Open Grain Offers can be viewed...
  2.  Grower360 Grain - SKY Admin

    Manage Grain reports and Cash Bid setup under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Bid Criteria Selecting Edit on the Bid Criteria card displays the Bid Criteria page. Here, the toggle can be switched to the Off position for any bid criteria t...
  3. Energy Force and Agvance Daily Clear Processes

    The Daily Clear Menu contains modules necessary to transfer sales and tank files to Agvance Energy. Each time Daily Clear processes are performed, files are exported to the CTLS93\DD85\Interface folder located on the server. Once fil...
  4. Using Unapplied Cash to Pay Invoice

    Unapplied Cash can be used to pay an Invoice by adding a Payment at Accounting / A/R / Payments or by selecting the Payment on Account(s) shortcut icon. At the Payment on Account screen, check the Use U/A Cash option. Upon saving the pa...
  5. Power of Purchasing eLearning

    Agvance Accounting is equipped to meet the unique aspects of ag business. Purchasing challenges such as costing, additional charges, freight, and direct shipments are all easily handled in Agvance. The purpose of this eLearning is to introduce t...
  6. Location Preferences - Accounting

    The Accounting Location Preferences, define how the dates and other Invoice and Delivery Ticket screen inputs default. Invoice printing options are also determined here. For example, choose whether or not to print the company heading on Invoic...
  7. API 7.0.25270 | 04.02.2024

    FTM-3613 / Update Product Pricing – A new internal API method has been added to give the ability to update Product prices using the saved formula on that Product. FTM-3704 / Tank Description and Status – The GET of LP Tank inform...
  8. Grower360 Settings

    Account Settings The name displayed here is the name associated with the customer's account. Customers can edit the account name by selecting the Pencil icon, editing the name, then selecting the Check Mark to save the e...
  9. Inactivating vs. Deleting Users

    A common question that comes up regarding Users who no longer need access to Agvance is whether to mark them as Inactive or delete the User completely.  Best practice is to mark the User as Inactive . Deleting the User from the Agvanc...
  10. Discountable Sales Report

    This report at Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / Sales displays information regarding discounts on Invoices and can be used to find net sales after discounts. It can be sorted Customer by Product , Product by Customer , or Farm and w...