State Earnings Report

The State Earnings report located at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Payroll / Payroll Status, can be used as a quick reference for Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly state withholding. An option to run the report for a specific Date Range is also available. This report runs from the totals on the Employee file, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, or year-to-date figures. 


  • Select State Code – Select the State Code to be included on the report. The States listed are set up at Accounting / Setup / Payroll Tax Tables. Multiple state tax tables may be selected.
  • Select Employees – Select the Employee(s) to be included on the report. All Employees in the list are set up at Accounting / File / Open / Employee.
  • Period – The report can be run by Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, or Date.  The Date Range is enabled when the Date option is selected.
  • Sort By  Select the order in which the Employees will be listed. Sort by SS# is enabled when the Include SSN option is selected.
  • Include SSN – Check this box to print the Social Security Number of the selected Employees on the report.
  • Subtotal After ___ Employees – Some States have reporting requirements to show a subtotal after a certain number of employees. This option could be used to fulfill those requirements or may be used as a personal preference. Select this option, and enter a number in the box after which the amounts should subtotal. For example, if the box is selected and the number entered is 5, the report will subtotal each group of 5 Employees.
  • Dept Code – This report can optionally print a single Department or all Departments.