Shipment Settlement Process

Settle outbound Grain Shipments by check or Invoice.

  1. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Shipment Settlements and select Add
  2. On the Add a Shipment Settlement window, select the Location. Choose the Commodity and/or customer by double-clicking in the Commodity and/or Customer ID field, highlighting the appropriate item, and choosing Select
  3. Edit the Date of the Settlement as needed. Enter the number of Units Settled, the Check #, and the amount of the Settlement in the Check Amount cell. Choose Select Shipments, highlight the Shipment(s), and choose Select.
    Note: Choosing Select Shipments at any time displays the Shipments matching the entered criteria. 
  4. Selecting Auto Apply Units Settled applies the entered Units Settled to the Shipment and marks each Shipment as Complete. Two options to apply the settled units are Prorate to all shipments and Apply top down using Shipped Units. When each Shipment’s Available units differ from the Units Settled, an adjustment to company-owned inventory is made.
    Note: Net Units may be entered manually for each Shipment. Unchecking the Shipment’s Complete status allows the Shipment to remain open and its remaining units are available to be settled later. Double-click on any Shipment’s Contract column to select a different Sales Contract. 
  5. Any Grade Factors or Deductions may be entered in the Grade Factors or Shipment Deductions grids. Selecting Prorate Deductions moves deductions to each Shipment by either selecting Net Units or Gross Amt
  6. Double-click on Advance to select any advances to apply towards this Settlement.
    Note: The Difference in Units and Dollars in the Totals section must be zero to save the Settlement. 
  7. Choose Save. When Shipment Settlements are posted, the check posts to the G/L Debit Account listed in the upper right corner of the Add a Shipment Settlement window.
    Note: Posting takes place at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Grain G/L Posting Reports / Grain Sales Report
  8. If the Settlement should create an Invoice, select Create Invoice. On the Shipment Invoice Information window, edit the Product Cost, Invoice Terms, and Due Date as necessary. The product listed in the Product Name column is from the Agvance Product Linked to this Commodity/Location at Grain / Setup / Commodities. Choose Save
  9. On the Add a Shipment Settlement window, select Save. The Invoice posts to the customer’s account in Agvance Accounting.