Reconcile Grain Bank Shipments Utility


A utility is available to automate several steps for reconciling Grain Bank Shipments. The automated steps that are available include: settlements to Redelivered; storage and service charges calculated and either invoiced, rolled or forgiven; settlement deductions invoiced or forgiven; settlement information and/or Grain Bank Shipment Listing printed.


  • Users must add grain bank product(s) in Accounting and reference back to the commodity(s) and in Grain at Setup / Commodity / Location will need to link the grain bank product(s) to each commodity/location setup.
  • Each Commodity / Location / Setup charge must have the Redelivered DPR category charge schedule set to a schedule that is a zero $ rate and the settlement action must be set to Roll Over to New Settlement.
  • Must be set to post settlements live (user will get a message if they are not).

Selection Criteria

Select Location(s), Commodity, Customer(s) or Customer Classification to be used to determine which grain bank shipments will be reconciled, (if any are available to be reconciled based on the selected criteria).

Settlement Date – this date will appear on the settlement to redeliver that is created.  It also is the date that storage will be calculated through if the option "Calculate Storage/Service Charges using GB Shipment Date" is not used.

Calculate Storage/Service Charges using GB Shipment Date – option will allow the calculation of all storage and service charges on grain bank shipments to be based on the GB Shipment date instead of the settlement date.

Create Positive GB Settlements with Negative GB Balances – used when company-owned grain is sold into a customer Grain Bank to create the grain bank contract from that sale.

Allow GB Reconciliation across Source Locations – allows grain bank grain to be delivered to one location but removed from another location to keep the individual location’s DPR accurate as well as update the customer’s grain bank balance in the delivered location.

What to do with Storage / Service Charges – have options to select:

  1. Invoice – creates an invoice as result of running this utility
  2. Roll Over to New Settlement – rolls charges over to future settlement, no invoice created.  NOTE: If this option is selected, the ‘rolled’ charges can only be invoiced by using the Invoice Storage and Service Charge Utility.
  3. Forgive – charges are not invoiced or rolled and will not be available to be invoiced in future.

What to do with Other Settlement Deductions - have options to select:

  1. Invoice - creates an invoice as result of running this utility
  2. Forgive - deductions are not invoiced and will not be available to be invoiced in future.

Print Settlements – checking this option will print information related to the settlement to ‘Redelivered’ that was created for each Customer/Commodity/Location that was selected.

Print Report of Unreconciled GB Shipments after Processing – checking this option will cause a Grain Bank Shipment Listing to be printed to show all grain bank shipments that have not yet been reconciled or completed but are posted and available to be reconciled.

Save Set /Load Set – allows utility criteria settings to be saved, except for location, commodity and customer (customer classifications will be saved).