Recent Customers by Regions

The Customer Selection screen is used throughout Agvance to select Customer(s) for a variety of functions (Invoices, Delivery Tickets, Purchases, Blend Tickets, Plans, Sales Orders, running reports, etc.). The Recent Customers by Regions tool creates an additional Customer Selection view that includes only Customers who have had Invoices within the specified number of months, allowing for the selection of these recent Customers by the same Region and Sub Region as the Location currently logged into.

Set up this new view at Hub / Setup / Recent Customer by Regions. Use the drop-down box to select how many months of Invoice activity to include to determine which Customers to display.

 If Delete Recent List is selected, the view will be deleted from the database and the Customer Select screen will no longer display this option or search for Customers and activity by Region or Sub Region.

Once the setup is established, check the Current Region & Sub-Region box to display only the Customers who have an Invoice within the months chosen during setup.

Once selected, the Customer Selection screen will filter to only display Customers who have had an Invoice within the specified months.

Note: If an Invoice is voided or reversed, and no other valid Invoices exist for a Customer in the Locations that are within the Region or Sub Region, the Customer will not display in the Customer Selection screen.