New Articles

  1. December 2022

    Agvance Customers on the CropLife 100  |  Use Agvance Tools to Finish the Year  |  How Grain RFID Card Readers Work  |  Assign Several Applicators to a Multi-field Ticket  |  Growers Can Schedule Payments for Future Dates  |  Volume Statements in Gr...
  2. Agvance Classifications Overview

    A Classification is a label that can be found on master files and other areas including Customers, Products, Vendors, GL Accounts, Tanks, Fields, and more. These Classifications give the ability to filter lists and reports based on whether or not ...
  3. Average Delivery Date Dashboard

    Purpose The Average Delivery Date dashboard saves Grain users time by providing an interactive means to look for an average delivery date for a Customer, Location, Commodity, etc. instead of manually getting the information. Details This dashb...
  4. Online Payments Scheduled Dashboard

    Purpose The Online Payments Scheduled dashboard lists online payments that have been scheduled. Details This dashboard displays the Customer the payment is for, when the payment was initiated/when it will post, and the payment amount and what ...
  5. View Only in SKY Dispatch

    Users set to View Only for Dispatch in SKY Admin can view jobs in List View and Schedules view, change Layers, etc. However, this prevents things like assigning or unassigning jobs, updating ticket details, reassigning jobs, etc. Vie...
  6. Migrate Sales Contracts - Grain

    Non-priced Sales Contracts can be migrated to priced by going to Grain / Operations / Sales Contracts and selecting Migrate . The units for the new contract can be established as well as the Destination and FOB prices. If the...
  7. Shipment Advances - Grain

    A Shipment Advance is an early payment from a terminal to an elevator before grain is settled upon. Advances can be established for a specific Shipment or Shipments or generically. It is deducted upon processing the Shipment Settlement. Process ...
  8. Shipments in Grain

    Overview A Shipment in Grain is the outbound transaction of grain moving from an elevator to a farmer, processor, or terminal. Shipments can be Contract, Spot, Priced Later, or Redeposit. This is similar to a Scale Ticket and can be by truck or ...
  9. Sales Contracts in Grain

    Overview A Sales Contract is a binding contract between an elevator and a processor/terminal for a specified delivery period and number of units. It is a commitment to determine delivery of a specific Commodity at a certain time and price. An un...
  10. Transfer Ownership Settlements

    When using the Post Settlements Live  option at Setup / Preferences on the Posting  tab, it is possible to transfer part or all of an open, posted Settlement from one customer to another. The ToDPR category remains the same. Go to Grain / Ope...