May 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

SKY Energy

  • SKYR-49 / Safety Forms– Safety Forms have been added to SKY Energy to record Suspected Leak and Interruption of Service calls. The forms have statements to read to the caller and fields to record information about the leak or interruption. The full list can be accessed from Customer Menu / Safety Forms or start a new form from any screen using the Safety Form left hand menu option. Select the Safety Form Customer Menu option to view all forms saved or created on a customers account from their Customer Summary Page. Pending Safety Forms (Incomplete and In Process) are available for review on the Safety Form List page. Click the Show All option to view all including completed forms. Safety Form Viewing, Creating, Modifying and Cancelling capabilities each have a separate user right. More details on Safety Forms and the Energy Force user guide on Safety Forms can be found here: Safety Forms User Guide.
  • SKYR-219 / Opening SKY Energy – Selecting Energy from SKY Home will open SKY Energy in a new tab to easily stay connected to SKY and SKY Energy at the same time. 
  • SKYR-251 / Consumer Portal Company Admin – Consumer Portal Admin descriptions on cards have been updated. 
  • SKYR-257 / Release Note Link in Menu–A link to the Energy Force Help Center Release Notes has been added to the SKY Energy User drop down menu. 
  • SKYR-264 / Ellipsis Icon changed–The more menu ellipse on multiple pages of SKY Energy has been updated to More