June 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

SKY Energy

  • SKYR-223 / SKY Energy Feedback Button – Share feedback instantly back to SSI regarding SKY Energy.
  • SKYR-234 / Tank Description Character Limits – Tank Description views have been extended to view all 30 characters possible for that field. 
  • SKYR-266 / Add Active Tank Option – Activate and inactive a customer-owned tank from the More context menu on the Tank page. 
  • SKYR-297 / Add Customer Button Removed at Customer Maintenance Page – Add Customer has been modified to only be seen from the main Customer menu option. It will no longer display on the Customer Maintenance More context menu.
  • SKYR-298 / Tank Hold – Tank Hold information is now displayed on the Tank dashboard view.  

Consumer Portal

  • SKYR-55 / Payment Terms– If Payment Terms are setup at SKY Admin / Consumer Portal / Online Payments, then those Terms are visible for the consumer on the Consumer Portal.
  • SKYR-252 / Consumer Portal User Maintenance Page – As a Consumer Portal user, enter payment terms for consumers to view from the SKY Admin area. Navigate to the Consumer Portal Management area and enter the payment terms in the Online Payments portion of the screen. Once saved, these terms will show up for consumers when making a payment. If no terms are entered, consumers will not see any terms when making payments.
  • SKYR-294 / Save Payment Option Description–Added "This encrypted payment method will be saved for future use on this portal and retailers software.", so consumers are aware the payment being saved will be shared to a vault the energy company could use in the future to take payments from Energy Force.