Mapping May 2024

Version 4.10


  • HW-10573 / SKY Field Reference List Report – A new report, SKY Field Reference List, has been added that will list selected Fields for a given Customer with PLSS info and an option to get directions to fields using QR codes. The report is per Customer and sorted alphabetically by Farm then Field. A Season option is available and displays the Season below the Customer Name at the top of the report. The State, County, TownshipRange, and Section are displayed for each Field. Report options include Farm Totals and Grower Totals for Billable and GIS acres. The QR Code option, when checked, adds a QR code for each Field.
  • HW-11099 / Import Planting/Application – An improved version of standard deviation filtering for coverage class breaks has been implemented. A new setting called Standard Deviation Maximum Removal was added to the Import Filter Settings page within the Admin Company.
  • HW-11272 / Sampling Tissue – Selecting View Results on Tissue Sampling Events with results displays the Tissue Results table as expected.
  • HW-11304 / Import Application – Imported Application Events fully support loading a Chemical Product Mix without a Carrier as expected.
  • HW-11314 / Data Exchange – Deletion of a given Telematics connection does not impact any existing connections already established.
  • HW-11320 / SKY Planting Report – The SKY Planting Report works as expected. Additionally, non-numeric Planting Attributes work as expected. Multiple Planting Events within the same season display their own page and only include their respective stats. Points and Coverage Display Types display the Coverage stats rather than the Polygon grid stats. Also, the Seeding Rate Attribute with multiple Planting Events in the same season shows both Events and Point/Coverage displays the Polygon stats.
  • HW-11341 / Import Planting – Adding a Product Mix on a Planting import (or after) does not result in missing Event Summary record detail, allowing reports and the View/Edit of the Event to work as expected.
  • HW-11359 / Import Sampling – The Automated Sampling import supports Event IDs in multiple files.


  • HW-11055 / Location Filter – A new filter icon was added to the Available tab of the Customer's Download list for Owners with multiple Locations to filter Customers by Location.
  • HW-11358 / Sampling Max Zoom Level – The max zoom level was decreased for the Zoom to Target feature as a function of the Target Radius.

Version 4.09


  • HW-8867 / Controller File Export – Controller files can be exported as expected.
  • HW-10489 / Auto Import – A new User Role option was added to the Preferences section called Auto Import Data. When enabled, one or more Event types (Application, Planting, and/or Harvest) can be selected in any combination. The onsite template, including the Data Exchange, are imported automatically and the associated Events are created.
  • HW-10531 / Import Planting Alias Name Option – A new child User Role checkbox has been added within the Import parent item. When active, a new context menu is added to the Crop Info table for each Crop/Variety for the Planting imports on the Files Info step with a label of Add Alias Name. This gives the ability to add details such as treatment to individual varieties.
  • HW-10856 / Loadsheet Reports – The Loadsheet Report works as expected.
  • HW-11147 / SKY Recs Reports – Service Products now display costs in the SKY Recs report. Adjustments made to the Rec include the display of Total Cost/Ac ($) and the Service Cost/Ac ($).
  • HW-11270 / Sampling Large Multi Part Boundary – The Sampling Event import surfacing includes a visual surface for all parts selected within the Event to correctly use surfaces to create Recs and Events by Layer as expected.
  • HW-11319 / Class Break Rounding Adjustments – New rounding was applied as follows:
    Harvest Layer Classes:
    • ≤500 – 1 decimal place
    • >500 – 0 decimal places
    All other Layer Classes:
    • ≤50 – 2 decimal places
    • >50 and ≤100 – 1 decimal place
    • >100 – 0 decimal places


  • HW-9202 / Manual Events – The Season and Crop Cycle are now above the Start and End Date and Time inputs to be consistent with the Manual Rec on the mobile and web apps for Events and Recs.
  • HW-11028 / Sampling Zoom to Target – The Zoom to Target function works as expected and optimization of this function leverages the screen area so the user's location and current target point always include the entire viewing space as the target is approached.
  • HW-11239 / Scouting Site Panel – Subtle styling improvements were made to the Scouting panel to provide a better experience.
  • HW-11254 / Water Sampling View Results – The ability to view results within the mobile app for Water Sampling Events was implemented. Additionally, the Event ID value was replaced with the Complete status when results exist. Selecting the Water Sampling Event adds the results below the Notes section in alphabetical order.