Manufactured Formula

Edit a Product at File / Open / Product and choose Manufactured Formula.


Standard blends that are either stockpiled or custom blended for resale should be set up with a recipe in the Manufactured Formula window. All raw materials used, as well as the finished product, must exist as inventory items. The blends are then made, depending on how the Manufactured Formula is set up to be used, by adding a manufactured inventory entry in Accounting, by invoicing the finished product item in Accounting, or by generating a batch of the product in the Agvance Blending module.

  • Quantity Produced by One Batch – Indicate the size of one batch in inventory units. Often, if blending in pounds, this will be 2000. When creating this formula, make as many batches as needed.
  • Affect Inventory at Billing – Check this option if the product is mixed as needed. If stockpiling the product, do not check this box.
  • Split Out when Printing – Select the types of documents that should show the individual ingredients and their weight instead of the total formula on the printed documents.
  • Product / Amount Grid – Enter up to ten inventory items by double-clicking on the Product column to display the Select Products window. In the Amount column for each product, enter the amount of the product in inventory units for the recipe.

Raw material units need not match the units for the finished product, however if mixed unit are used or a container is used in the finished product mix to show cost more appropriately, a warning displays when saving, Total of raw materials is not equal to quantity produced. If this warning displays and the formula setup is correct, select OK and save; the raw material inventory will be in accordance with the formula set up.


Establish a formula to turn raw products into a finished product. This is used in conjunction with Manufacture Inventory.

  1. Add the finished good as a product at Accounting / File / Open / Products and select Save
  2. Edit the product added. On the Product Information window, select Manufactured Formula
  3. On the Manufactured Formula window, enter the quantity of the new product produced in one batch.
  4. Double-click the Product column heading to select the raw products used to make the new product. Enter the amount of each raw product. The total of the product amounts should equal the quantity produced by one batch.
    Note: If the total quantity of the raw materials does not equal the quantity produced by one batch, a message will display upon saving. If the formula is correct, select OK to save the entry. 
  5. When the Affect Inventory at Billing option is selected, the Manufacture Inventory step happens automatically when the Invoice is prepared. The inventory of the raw materials is adjusted out and the inventory of the finished product is adjusted in then invoiced out. If left unchecked, the inventory is affected when the Manufacture Inventory step is done.
    Note: If the product is created as it is sold, select the Affect Inventory at Billing option. If the product is produced for stockpiling in inventory, leave the option unchecked. 
  6. Save the formula.