Edit Check Numbers

The Edit Check Numbers utility is found at Patronage / Utilities menu. Through the utility, Patronage Check Numbers may be changed by manually editing a cell in the grid or by selecting multiple checks and incrementing all of them by a specified amount.

This utility was designed to efficiently update check numbers for batches of checks created in the Patronage module. Filter for the checks, then mark the Selected option to update the checks. The Check Number may be manually updated or can be updated by using the Increment Selected By option.


  • Filters
    • By Check Date – Enter the date range of the checks to update.
    • By Check # – Enter the check number range of the checks to be updated.
    • Check Type – Select the type of checks to display.
    • Apply – Choose to apply the selected filters.
  • Increment Selected By – If the selected checks are to all be incremented by a certain number, enter that number here.

To Edit Manually

Use the By Check Date or By Check # filtering options to display the affected checks in the grid. Once the checks display, for any Check Number requiring change, mark the Selected box, and manually change the Check Numbers in the grid to match the printed checks. Select Update to record changes.

To Increment by a Specified Number

Use the By Check Date or By Check # filtering options to display the affected checks in the grid. Mark the Selected box for all checks to be updated. In the Increment Selected By area, enter the number to use for incrementing the Check Numbers, and then choose Increment. Select Update to record changes.