Grain - SKY Customer

Agvance Grain provides a complete audit trail of all grain movements and general ledger posting to enable grain transactions to be more easily reconciled. The Grain window includes tabs to view Grain Balances, Purchase Contracts, Grain Scale Tickets, and Grain Settlements.


Grain Balances - SKY Customer
Grain Balances can be viewed by Commodity or by Location. Select the Ellipsis button to change the view. ...
Purchase Contracts - SKY Customer
A Purchase Contract allows recording the agreed upon price, quantity, and delivery date of a commodity to be purchased from the customer. The Purchase Contracts tab lists contracts by Commodity and Contract Type .  Selecting the Eye expands...
Scale Tickets - SKY Customer
Scale Tickets are used to track product being received. Product must be weighed and recorded on a Scale Ticket and the Scale Ticket must then be attached to an Assembly Sheet. Select the Ellipsis button to view Scale Tickets by Ticket , Assembl...
Grain Settlements - SKY Customer
View Grain Settlements by Commodity or Location . Select the Ellipsis button to switch between views.  Use the Search Settlements field to search for Settlements by Commodity , Contract # , Original amount, Settlement # , and Location ...
Grain Offers - SKY Customer
View Grain Offers from Agvance on the Grain Offers tab in SKY Customer. Choose the Filters icon to specify a date range or to include/exclude those with a status of Open or Closed . The Search Grain Offers field can be used to narrow down ...