- Manage Customer communications.
- Monitor Customer activity.
- Identify and segment Customer opportunities.
- Maximize each Customer’s sales potential.
- Save time and money with electronic delivery of transaction-related documents.
- CRM Communication Journal
- Provide a centralized database of communications between a Customer and the company.
- Add entries manually from a desktop or Mobile Sales.
- Automatically record entries from Outlook via CRM Add-In.
- View the full journal or filter to view only the User logged in for a specified Date Created range.
- Select additional filters, such as Communication Type, Owner designated on the entry, or Follow Up Date.
- Customer Activity View
- Select the type of transaction to display for the selected Customers.
- Sort data with varied filters depending on the type of transaction selected.
- Easily monitor activity by transaction type for one or more customers at a time.
- Electronic document delivery
- Deliver documents electronically including Customer Statements, Invoices, Bookings, Delivery Tickets, Blend Tickets, Grain Settlement Documents, and other document types.
- Stage delivery of emails or directly send emails at the time of the activity.
- Filter by Document Type and Date Created range.
- Tag all or specific documents for delivery.
- Maintain a historical log of documents.
- Customer GAP Analysis report
- Provide a clear picture of a Customer’s activity with the company across all lines of business.
- Identify selling opportunities and gaps within the selected Customers’ portfolios based on information gathered from AR Invoices and Grain activity.
- Filter information by selecting Optional Invoice Report and Grain Report Criteria.
- Filter results by Customer Attribute and Business Influence type.
- Export results to a PDF, Excel, or Text file.
- Customize email by indicating preferences.
- Add user-defined Communication Types.
- Document Type, delivery method, and email address per document type and Customer.
Outlook Add-In
- Optionally set up email addresses for multiple customers simultaneously.
- Automatically create CRM Communication Journal entries when sending and receiving emails.