Blending Overview

The Agvance Blending module is a full-featured formulation program that creates Dry or Liquid Fertilizer, Chemical, Suspension, and Feed blends. The documents produced from the Blending program display the correct scale units for the type of blend being produced. Products from inventory are combined into Product Sets to be used when formulating a specific blend. Blends may be generated to fill a requested analysis such as nutrient recommendations created in the Planning module, by directly requesting an amount of product at a specified rate per acre, or by specifying a total amount needed for a mini-bulk. The Planning and Blending modules formulate with set constraints on the maximum and minimum amounts of each nutrient on every Product in the Product Set.

The Blending program can import Field Plans and Nutrient Recommendations saved to a grower’s Field file from the Agvance Planning module. Products, rates, and prices are available to be viewed and changed on the Blend Ticket screens for maximum flexibility. Blender capacity, number of batches per ticket, and the acres per batch can also be viewed and edited. A Blend Ticket showing scale stops for the blend operator and a Custom Application Sheet for the applicator may be printed when a Blend Ticket is created.

Blend Tickets import into Invoices in Agvance Accounting without any re-entry of data. Blend Ticket information may also be saved to the Field file, which contains a history of the products applied.

Setup for Formulation and Pricing

Setup for the Agvance Blending and Planning programs is relatively the same. Inventory Departments must indicate if the Products contained within are nutrient contributors and have the correct scale settings. Each Product to be used in Planning and Blending must be set up in the Product file from the Hub or Accounting, with complete information on the Blend Setup and Pricing tabs. These Products are then grouped into logical Product Sets for the program to choose or formulate from when creating a Blend.

Inventory Items

Products used to fulfill a requested analysis or nutrient recommendation must be in an Inventory Department flagged as a Nutrient Contributor. Completion of the Blend Setup tab on the Product file is also required, which includes the Rate/Acre and Blend Units, Nutrient Value, % Water (if relying on this information), % Clay, Blend Ratios and other important factors.

The program uses a Least Cost Method of formulating the Products to be used and quantities of each to satisfy the requested analysis. The user decides which cost (Average, Last, Replacement Cost, List Price, or any of the Pricing Levels) upon which least cost decisions are based. It is imperative the Cost, List, or Pricing Level chosen on the Blend Ticket General tab is accurately set for all the fertilizer Products involved in formulation.

Set Default Location

In a multi-location company, select the Location to use for Blending transactions. A Location is associated with each Blend Ticket. The Location selected affects which Inventory Departments default as Products are selected. A warning is given when attempting to generate a Blend for a grower not associated with the current Location. Go to Setup / Set Default Location. Highlight the desired default Location, and choose the Select button.