SKY Dispatch and Apply Update

A SKY Dispatch change will be deployed tomorrow, November 17th, in the morning which includes enhanced tracking of applicator locations within the Dispatch module. The SSI team has extensively tested this internally and we have also had customers actively using it in their live production environments. The results have been extremely positive. This change will assist in ensuring that the applicator icon locations are accurate and up to date in the event Apply is not able to communicate with Dispatch directly.

Additionally, there is new Apply version 3.8.0 available in the App stores right now. Changes were made in this version to improve the location and real-time tracking for applicators using the Apply application. This version has been through significant testing and all feedback has shown it to be extremely positive. The SSI team has put this version through rigorous in house testing and it has also been tested in customer’s live production data with applicators in field. Location issues which would have been present this fall should be resolved with this update.

With both of these updates, tracking and live location should show extreme improvement. As you begin working with these new versions, please make us aware of any issues encountered by reaching out to us at