Sales Allocations for Mobile Sales

To create a Sales Order from an existing Sales Allocation, select the Allocations menu option from the Menu drop-down.

The first window displays the current Sales Allocations with the corresponding statuses. In the example below, the DKC37-12 Allocation has a price of $90.00 per bag with a total quantity of 5,000 bags. There are currently 120 bags with an Offered status and 60 bags in the Approved status. Based on the Original Allocation of 5,000 bags and 60 bags in the Approved status, the Net Available is 4,940 bags.

A Sales Order can be created by selecting an Allocation. The Allocation Details window appears. Tap Create Sales Order to start the Sales Order.  

Because the Product and price associated with the Sales Allocation is known, it defaults into the corresponding area. The amount of Product for the order can be entered. To save this information and continue to fill in other information for the Sales Order, tap the Checkmark.

Fill in other appropriate information to complete the Sales Order, and select the Checkmark to save.

After the Sales Order has been saved, the Allocation Details window appears with the updated information. Tapping the Back Arrow returns to the previous graph view of the Allocation statuses. 

Now that a Sales Order has been created with an Approved status of 180 bags of DKC37-12, the Approved column displays 240 bags (60 Approved bags prior to this Sales Order being saved plus 180 Approved bags with the new Sales Order equals 240 bags).

To create a Sales Order without first reviewing the Allocations, select the Sales Order option from the Menu.

Existing Sales Orders for the Customer previously selected display. To add a new Sales Order, tap the + symbol.

 Tap Add Product to add a Product and fill in the appropriate information. Select the Checkmark when finished to add the Product information to the Sales Order.

Complete additional information for the Sales Order. Tap the Checkmark to save.

The Sales Orders window displays for the selected Customer with current Sales Orders.

Sales Allocations for Agvance Planning

Refer to the Using Sales Allocations document for more information on Sales Allocations within Agvance.