Planning - Lime Recs Setting Tons to Pounds for Variable Rate

When generating Lime Recommendations in Agvance Planning, the results are saved as tons per acre. Some controllers for Variable Rate Application require lime to be applied in pounds. To create an export from Agvance Mapping with the correct units, use the following steps.

The following areas require a one-time setup to accomplish exporting lime with units in pounds when the Recommendations were generated in tons.

  1. The lime Product to be used in Mapping should have a rating unit in pounds with all inputs on the Ratio Wizard completed. In addition, the lime Product must have the % Calcium Carbonate Equivalence entered under the Details button. This allows the Product to be used in Mapping for generating the Lime Recommendation.
  2. In Mapping / SSI / Mapping Preferences, set the Lime Rating Units to Tons.

These recommendations may now be formulated in Mapping to create the Product Recommendation.

Use the lime Product with the Lime Rating Units as Pounds to formulate the Lime Product Recommendation.