Marked as Posted Transactions

Q.  Is there a way of tracking the transactions that used the Mark as Posted but do not post to GL option on the Grain Purchase Report, Grain Sales Report, Grain Storage Report, Commodity Transfer Posting Report, Grain Company Owned Adjustment, and Shipment Advance Report? 

A.  When the Mark as Posted but do not post to GL option is used on Grain Posting reports that affect the Grain Inventory Report, a transaction is recorded in a log. These reports include the Grain Purchase Report, Grain Sales Report, Grain Storage Report, Commodity Transfer Posting Report, Grain Company Owned Adjustment, and Shipment Advance Report.

If the Require reason for changes preference is selected on the Grain Preferences / General tab, a window displays to indicate the reason for the change. The reason must exceed the minimum length specification to enable the Done button.