Submit electronic seed returns to Bayer from the Purchase Receipt area in Agvance. Information regarding the required B2B setup can be found here.
Corn and soybean returns must be entered on separate Purchase Receipts and the quantity being returned cannot exceed the quantity on the Dealer Order.
- Select Return at Accounting / Inventory / Purchase Receipts.
Note: Under the Ticket Type column, RV indicates a Return and PR indicates a regular Purchase Receipt. - Select the Vendor used for Bayer.
- Choose None, Product Return, or Product Haulback from the Send Message drop-down.
Note: None is the default. However to return corn or untreated soybeans, select Product Return. To return treated soybeans, select Product Haulback.- If Product Return or Product Haulback is chosen:
- The Special Inst. text field will display. Special Instructions entered will save in the database and be sent with the Return Message XML to Bayer.
- If Product Haulback is selected:
- The column Spot Price, used to enter the elevator price, will display. The Spot Price entered will save in the database and be sent with the Return Message XML to Bayer.
- The column Spot Price, used to enter the elevator price, will display. The Spot Price entered will save in the database and be sent with the Return Message XML to Bayer.
- If Product Return or Product Haulback is chosen:
- Fill out the Return Purchase Receipt similar to how a regular Purchase Receipt is populated. When done, select Return.
Note: If entering treated soybean Products on a Product Haulback return, complete the Spot Price and Lot Number columns.