- FTM-4133, 3890, 3960 / Extra Charges and Bookings – Extra Charges can now be applied to Bookings and honor the same rules as AR Invoices. Only Extra Charges set up at Accounting / Setup / A/R / Extra Charges with a Transaction type of AR Booking or All can be applied to Bookings. Extra Charges with a Transaction type of AR Booking will not be considered on the AR Invoice in Accounting, Energy, or AME.
- FTM-3879 / Schedule of Settlements Units from IL PLBF Purchase Contract – When settling an IL Priced Later/Basis Fixed Purchase Contract to Deferred Payment/Installment Sale/Priced Not Paid then settling to a Priced Settlement, the documentation for the Schedule of Settlements on the second page of the IL Priced Later contract is populated.
- FTM-3884 / Schedule of Settlements IL PL Batch Settled Priced Scale Tickets – When batch settling Priced Scale Tickets to a Priced Settlement that originated from an IL PL Purchase Contract, the documentation for the Schedule of Settlements on the second page of the IL Priced Later contract is populated.