Purchase Invoices - SKY Product

View a listing of Purchase Invoices from Agvance data. In SKY Admin, the Product toggle can be turned on or off for each SKY user to allow or deny access to the SKY Product app.

The Purchase Invoices grid displays Purchase Invoices with the option to search by Vendor Name, Vendor ID, PI #, Invoice Date, Due Date, Gross Amount, or Net Amount. Choose the Expand icon to view up to three line item details for each Purchase Invoice.

Select the Ellipsis to Download Attachments.

Filters are available to filter the grid by Date Range, Status, and/or Location. Select Apply Filters to update the grid with selections.

Choose Export to export the Purchase Invoices based on selected filters as a CSV file. A message displays to confirm that the file will include all results currently displayed on the screen. Select Export.

Select the Vendor name or icon to display more information for that Purchase Invoice including the Invoice Date, Due Date, Gross Amt, Net Amt, Prepaid, and more in a collapsible panel. The Ellipsis here can be selected to download attachments if applicable.

In the grid, view and search for specific line items by Product Name, Product ID, PO #, PR #, Dept ID, Qty, Total, Prepaid, or Discount.