Overview Page - SKY Customer

See SKY Customer Overview for information on searching for Customers upon first opening SKY Customer.

The primary pane on the Overview page displays a quick view of a variety of account information.

  • Customer Information – This is a view-only listing of the Customer Status, Customer ID, Address, and Salesperson.
  • Contact Information – The phone number(s) for the customer display. If using a mobile device, tap Call or Text to contact the Customer.
  • Customer Map – View the geocoded address for the customer. Google Maps functionality makes the map interactive.
  • Notes – Notes set up in Agvance regarding the Customer are displayed.
  • Credit Status – The Credit Status is established on the Customer Profile within Agvance.
  • Balances – Total balance information is broken down by category:
    • Regular – This displays open Invoice totals. Selecting the amount opens the Invoices window.
    • Prepay – This displays open Booking totals. Selecting the amount will open the Bookings window.
    • Unapplied Cash – This displays total unapplied cash for the account. Selecting the amount expands the line item showing the Beginning Balance, Current Month Activity, and the Current Balance.
    • Budget Balance – This is the total Budget Balance for the account. Selecting the amount expands the line item showing the Beginning Balance, Plus Monthly Budget Payments, Less Invoices for Delivery, and the Current Balance.
    • Budget Due – This shows total open Memo Invoices. Selecting the amount opens the Memo Invoice window.
    • Unbilled Activity – This is the total dollars for Delivery or Blend Tickets not yet invoiced. Selecting the amount opens the Activity tab displaying any tickets that have not yet been invoiced.
  • Past Due Invoices – Select a Due on or Before date to display past due Invoices. Choosing View Invoices opens a window listing the Invoices included in the selected criteria. Select the Due on or Before date option to filter the Amt Past Due information or to filter the Invoices listed when selecting View Invoices.
    • The Selection option on the Search invoices search bar is defaulted to ON. Invoices matching criteria from the Past Due Invoices card are selected but can be deselected by removing the checkmark per line item. Select the Ellipsis to Select All or Deselect All. Choosing Pay Invoices navigates to the Add Payment screen.
  • Sales by Month – This displays overall sales by month for the past 12 months. Hover over the bar graph to see the total dollar amount of sales for that month.
  • Calculate Payments Due – Quickly determine a payment due for the account by setting date parameters and toggling options. The Payment Date will filter payments due by the selected date. Due on or Before dates filter by the selected date. Optionally toggle the Include UAC and Maximize Discount options on or off. The Net Due, Disc Available, UAC Applied, and Payment Due information displays based on selected criteria.
    • Select Make Payment to navigate to the Add Payment screen. Invoices making up the Net Due amount on the card are automatically selected but can be changed.