New Articles

  1. form-U-net Bagged Fertilizer Blending

    Q.  How is form-U-net used to create bagged fertilizer blends? A.  To create bagged fertilizer blends in form-U-net, add an item for the empty bags in the appropriate size by navigating to Item Information / Add New Item . In this example, the ...
  2. SKY Dispatch Fact Sheet

    Easily assign and reorder jobs directly on applicator devices to see your pipeline of work in real-time.
  3. Grain Settlements - SKY Customer

    View Grain Settlements by Commodity or Location . Select the Ellipsis button to switch between views.  Use the Search Settlements field to search for Settlements by Commodity , Contract # , Original amount, Settlement # , and Location ...
  4. Agvance Dispatch Integration with DriftWatch

    Q.  How does Agvance Dispatch integrate with DriftWatch?  A.  DriftWatch is an open source tool, created by FieldWatch, used to track and communicate sensitive areas, such as specialty crops, vegetable crops, or beehives. This tool allows reporte...
  5. Mixed Item Results Display

    Q.  As a form-U-net user with a liquid group set to Volumetric and the Mixer Units set to Gallons on the  Material Groups / Edit Selected Material Group / Edit Information window, the item quantities in the Mixed Item Results and Non-Mixe...
  6. Relationships

    In the Relationships window, view Contacts and Associated Grower360 Accounts associated with the selected Customer. A separate card displays for each Contact set up on the Customer Profile in Agvance. The completed information for the contact...
  7. Rules for Use of DANGEROUS Placard Hazardous Material Shipping Order

    The following describes what determines if the DANGEROUS notation is printed versus other notations on the Hazardous Material Shipping Order. Rules have been incorporated to allow the use of the DANGEROUS notation for DOT hazardous materials on shi...
  8. COPAK Op Till Pro - Setting Up Manufactured Products

    Sometimes a product is received and sold as a COPAK. In this example, one COPAK covers 20 acres. One COPAK (OpTill Pro) contains 200 ounces of Outlook and 40 ounces of OpTill. The following shows how to set this up in Agvance. OpTill Pro will b...
  9. Stored Formulas in form-U-net

    Q.  s there a way to create and remember blends so they don’t have to be entered from scratch each time? A.  To remember blends in form-U-net, one new Material Group per stored formula needs to be added.  An example of creating a dry blend grade...
  10. form-U-net Mixing Sheet Won't Preview Normally

    Q.  When attempting to print a form-U-net Mixing Sheet, a save window opens instead of automatically previewing the report. How is the Mixing Sheet previewed? A.  The form-U-net program automatically saves up to 101 Mixing Sheets in the Download...