Flat Rate Fees

Q.  Is there a way to apply flat rate “per load” fees such as inspection fees, etc., when settling units from scale tickets or assembly sheets? 



Premium/Discount Schedules

The same Premium/Discount Schedule name must be used to represent all types of flat rate fees that will be applied at settlements (example: the schedule name used in the following example is FltFee).  This name must be unique and used only to represent flat rate type fees.

A Premium/Discount table for each type of flat rate fee that is charged needs to be set up for each commodity that the flat rate fee applies to and must be set as the Master Table

The Step Size must be set to 0.

Grade Factor

A grade factor must be set up for each type of flat fee to be charged.

Settlement Deduction

A settlement deduction must be set up for each type of flat fee to be charged.


The Flat Fee PD Schedule name that represents all flat rate fees must be entered in the Preference textbox.


Go to Grain / Setup / Grade Factors and click Add.

Add a grade factor for each type of flat fee that could be applied at settlement. 

Go to Grain / Setup / Settlement Deductions and click Add.

Add a settlement deduction for the each type of flat fee that could be applied at a settlement.

Go to Grain / Setup / Premium/Discount Tables and click Add.

Set up a Premium/Discount table for each type of flat rate fee that can be applied. There will be one table for each commodity. 

Go to Grain / Setup / Preferences / Preferences / Purchases tab.

Enter the schedule name that represents flat rate type fees into the Flat Fee PD Schedule preference text box.

NOTE: The Flat Fee PD Schedule specified in the Preference textbox will cause the dollar amount of the PD to be calculated ONLY at the time of settlement.

Report Example

Assembly Sheet with Scale Tickets

Form 3 with Print Individual PD Values preference checked.  Also, two types of flat fees are shown (inspections fees and weighing fees).  

NOTE: A different setup than what is shown in this document would be needed if the user wants the actual dollar amount of the flat fees to be shown in the reports instead of the test value of 1, 2, etc., as is displayed in the report above for inspections and weighing fees.  

Settlement Example