7.0.26030 | 07.30.2024



  • FTM-3748 / Include PO Number in BOL List – When importing Warehouse app transactions (Mobile Inventory) to a Purchase Receipt, if a PO was selected in Warehouse, that information will be populated and used when creating the Purchase Receipt.
  • FTM-3899 / Estimated Average Cost ICT – When making an ICT and the Before quantity is 0, the cost calculation will take the pre-transaction Amount On Hand + unprocessed loaded Delivery Tickets + unprocessed loaded Blend Tickets as documented here.


  • FTM-3693 / FieldView/Climate API Keys – The default credentials for FieldView/Climate have been set to the ones provided to SSI rather than the one used by Mapshots. Additionally, all various override keys were queried in provided by Climate for those running ADS.



  • FTM-3711 / Import Tank File with Tank GUID – When the EF Tank import at Transfers / Import / Energy Force / Daily Tank includes the column for Tank GUID, that will be used to identify if updating or adding a specific Tank. The Attributes will still be saved, but they will no longer be the source with which an existing or new Tank is identified.
    Note: Current customers need to complete setup in order to begin using this feature.