Mapping Videos


 Mapping Setup and Preferences
This video covers getting started, setup, and preferences used in Mapping. ...
 Mapping General Layout
This video gives an introduction to Agvance Mapping and the general layout. ...
 Working with Farms and Fields
This video discusses creation of farms and fields and linking and transferring those farms and fields in Agvance Mapping. ...
 Variable Rate Seeding
This video discusses the basic variable rate seeding req and how it can be created. ...
 ScoutPro Integration in Agvance Mapping
This video details the integration between Agvance Mapping and the ScoutPro iPad app which is used by field scouts to identify pests and denote their locations on a map exported from Agvance Mapping. ...
 Mapping Batch Processing
This video shows how to batch process at the grower level in the Agvance Mapping module. ...
 Importing Field Operations Data
This video discusses importing of field operations data and viewing the data's statistics. ...
 FieldOp Viewer & Post Calibrating Yield Data
This video discusses the FieldOp Viewer and process for post calibrating yield data. ...
 Spatial FieldOps Linker
This video discusses and shows how to use the spatial field ops linker to attach yield data to a boundary. ...
 Creating Custom Layers
This video discusses the creation of custom layers and management zone layers from scratch as well as the different types of layers available. This video also covers the layer editor and the functions and tools available using it. ...
 MultiLayer Overlay Tool
This video gives an overview of the MultiLayer Overlay Tool and gives examples showing how it can be used. The MultiLayer Overlay Tool gives the ability to put layers together to see trends. It also allows looking at management zone layers while edi...
This video discusses some of the more advanced options used with themes for layers. ...
 Printing Report Books
This video discusses FieldOps with report book printing, some of the options to print yield data or planting data, as well as some of the reports that can be run after yield or planting data has been imported. ...
 Crop Zones
This video discusses Crop Zones and how to set them up. ...
 Exporting VRF Files (FODMs)
This video discusses the process of exporting variable rate fertility files. ...
 Using Nutrient Calculators
This video discusses nutrient calculators including what they are and what they do. For more information or examples, please contact SSI. ...
 Themes & Legends
This video discusses how themes and legends work and are used in Agvance Mapping. ...
 Importing Layers and Shapefiles
This video discusses importing layers and soil test point shape files in Agvance Mapping. ...
 Viewing and Printing Maps
This video discusses resetting field area, pushing reported acres back to the Agvance Hub, printing maps in Agvance Mapping, and printing maps in other areas of Agvance. ...
 Working with Boundaries
This video covers drawing and editing boundaries, as well as importing shapefiles into Agvance Mapping. ...
 Working with Soil Type Layers
This video discusses soil type layers and working with setting up and exporting soil test point layers. ...
 Working with Attachments
This video discusses attachments in Agvance Mapping. ...
 ARS Yield Editor
The ARS yield editor is an outside tool that be used within Agvance Mapping to filter yield data. This video provides a brief look at the functions and getting started using the ARS Yield Editor. ...
 Report Books in Agvance Mapping
This video briefly discusses reports, report books options, and how the report builder works. ...
 Mapping Treatment Analysis Tool
This video shows some of the detailed functions of the Treatment Analysis tool to show what it can do and how it can analyze yield data against user-defined management zones. ...
 Multi-Year Yield Analysis Tool
This video shows basic features and operations to be used with the Multi-Year Yield Analysis tool. ...
 Advanced Nutrient Suggestions
This video demonstrates the functionality of advanced nutrient suggestions. ...
 Generating Nutrient Recommendations
This video discusses creation of nutrient recommendations and introduces calculators. ...
 Product Setup & Recommendations
This video discusses creating product recommendations in Agvance Mapping. ...
 Mapping Field Data Setup
The video below covers setting up Field Data in Agvance Mapping. ...