Post Gallons as GL Posting Unit on the Department

The quantity posting to the G/L can be set at Accounting / Setup / Inventory Departments on the Profile tab. When Gal is selected as the GL Posting Unit, Agvance will convert units of measure to Gallon from other standard units of measure when the Unit Weight and Product Density are entered on the Product.

The Unit Weight is entered on the Profile tab at File / Open / Product on the Profile tab. The measurement will be listed in Lbs/Inventory Unit. Typically, this information can be found on the product label or by manually weighing the product. If the Inventory Unit is set to gallons and the Unit Weight is 5, then the Unit Weight would be 5 Lbs/Gal.

The Product Density is entered on the Blend Setup tab of the Product. The Product Density can typically be found on the product label. Product Density will be listed in Lbs/Gal for liquid fertilizer or Lbs/Cubic Foot for dry fertilizer.

Assuming densities are entered as Lbs/Gal, Agvance's calculation to post Gallons as the G/L Posting Unit on the department is Inventory amt * wt in lbs / density.