7.0.26380 | 09.24.2024



  • FTM-3978 / Record Delivery Tickets as Loaded – The Record Delivery Tickets as Loaded utility at Accounting / Inventory now checks the Loaded status of the ticket when saving to prevent double posting. If the ticket was posted after the list was loaded, a message displays indicating the ticket was already loaded. This prevents a duplicate record from being saved.

Accounting Reports

  • FTM-4055 / GST/PST Combo Statement – The standard Combo Statement (French and English versions) now displays the GST/PST in the same manner as the Invoice document.


  • FTM-3996 / Grain Locations – Only Grain Locations will be saved to the database when posting the DPR at End of Periods / DPR Posting or Grain Reports / Daily Position Reports / Combined DPR/TPR and using the Update DPR option.



  • FTM-3980 / Transfer to Field History – The Transfer to Field History utility at Hub / Utilities will load in memory the setup information per Location and group like transactions together by ticket to transfer more efficiently.